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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Joins Albuquerque Heroes and Students During September 11th Anniversary March 11, 2002
Washington, DC-Congresswoman Heather Wilson joined today with firefighters, police officers, and students at Zuni Elementary to commemorate the six month anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks on American soil. Wilson spoke about the brave people who make our world a safer place.

“Our lives were changed six months ago, and a lot has happened since then,” said Wilson. “But one of the most important things we can do is share with our kids the concepts of heroism, patriotism, and service for your community and your country. There are brave people in our country who are here to protect them and help them and keep them safe. Whether it’s people like Jason Cunningham, who died for his country, or people like the men and women of the Albuquerque Fire and Police Departments. There are true heroes among us, who put their lives on the line everyday, who make us proud to be Americans.”

Since September 11, Congress has made significant strides to create protections and improved response plans for potential terrorist activity. Among its accomplishments, Congress has enacted enhanced airport security measures and the means to respond effectively and quickly to bioterrorism threats.

In addition to new security provisions, Congress just last week passed an economic security bill that will help those who lost their jobs because of the terrorist recession following the attacks. The legislation will promote economic growth and create jobs as well as help those who have lost their jobs get unemployment benefits.

“Since September 11th, more than 1 million Americans have lost their jobs. We have more than 1 million families who are worried about where the next paycheck will come from. Those families are hurting and need help,” said Wilson. “The bill we passed will help create jobs and provide relief for those who lost their jobs.”

What Congress Has Done for U.S. National Security Since September 11
Airport Security - Aviation and Transportation Act of 2001 - Enacted
The current system is broken - and it is up to us to fix it. This plan will get the job done and provide the safest possible environment for American travelers on planes, airports and trains.

The PATRIOT Act - Enacted
The PATRIOT Act will give law enforcement the tools they need to secure America`s future while protecting our freedoms and Constitutional rights. This bill enhances foreign intelligence surveillance tools for the 21st century, strengthens control of border abuse by foreign terrorists, strengthens control of border abuse by foreign terrorists, improves law enforcement sharing of information to fight terrorism, enhances penalties for terrorism, broadens definition of terrorist acts and protects against abuse of new police powers.

Public Health Security & Bioterrorism Response Act of 2001 - House and Senate Passed
H.R. 3448 is designed to better prepare America for bioterrorist threats or other public health emergencies by improving America’s ability to respond effectively and quickly to such threats. This sweeping legislation will cover everything from public health preparedness and improvements, to enhancing controls on deadly biological agents, to protecting our food, drug and drinking water supplies.

2001 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Recovery From and Response To Terrorist Attacks on the United States - Enacted
This legislation provides $40 billion for the War on Terrorism, additional disaster assistance and assistance in the recovery from the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001.

S.J. Res. 23, Authorization for Use of Military Force - House and Senate Passed
With passage of this joint resolution Congress stands shoulder to shoulder with the president and the brave soldiers in uniform ready to wage war on global terrorism. Although S.J. Res. 23 is not a formal declaration of war, the resolution gives the president full authority to use force against these terrorists, and is similar to the use of force resolution authorizing military operations in the Persian Gulf in 1991.

The Air Transportation System Stabilization Act - Enacted
The Air Transportation System Stabilization Act (H.R. 2926) provides the following to help stabilize and secure America’s airways from the damage done on September 11, 2001: $5 billion in grants for direct losses sustained by U.S. air carriers; $10 billion in guaranteed loans to U.S. air carriers; Allows victims to sue for compensation.


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