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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Offers Input on Otero Canyon Fence July 17, 2003
Extended Public Input Period Ends Today
Washington, DC-Time for public comment on the Otero Canyon fencing issue expires today. Congresswoman Heather Wilson took the opportunity to weigh in once again and share her thoughts with Kirtland Air Force Base officials on her hopes that an alternative fencing plan will be considered. "I know this matter was on your desk when you arrived and I wanted to let you know it is quite important to the community," Wilson said in a letter to Col. Henry L. Andrews today. Andrews assumed command of Kirtland last week. "In early June, I wrote to Colonel Close concerning the proposed eastern perimeter fencing for Kirtland Air Force Base, commonly referred to as the Otero Canyon fence. This issue is important to many of my constituents and I am asking you to consider the alternative plan for fencing in Otero Canyon." Base officials have proposed building a fence along Kirtland`s eastern boundary in the Manzanita Mountains. The area, known as Otero Canyon, is heavily used by outdoor enthusiasts who hike and bike in the area. The Canyon has also been featured in outdoor magazines that have touted its trails as some of the best in the nation. In June, Wilson expressed her concern that the public comment process has not allowed for sufficient input from constituents opposed to the fencing plan. Wilson asked base officials to refine their public comment mechanism by extending the comment period and including a public hearing to assure that people can be heard. "I appreciate the quick action of Kirtland Air Force Base representatives to extend the comment period through July 16, 2003 and to schedule a public hearing," said Wilson. "The public hearing was attended by nearly 600 people who have enjoyed the recreation areas in Otero Canyon and support the fence in Madera Canyon." Wilson serves on the House Armed Services Committee where she has consistently worked to keep Kirtland Air Force Base strong before the next Base Realignment and Closure Commission starts its work. She has also worked to preserve New Mexico`s natural beauty, most notably through the federal purchase of the Baca Ranch in northern New Mexico and the Tres Pistolas nature area in the East Mountains. Attachment: Wilsonletter to Col. Andrews
Colonel Hank Andrews Commander 377th Airbase Wing/CC 2000 Wyoming Blvd. SE Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico 87117 Dear Colonel Andrews, Welcome to Albuquerque and Kirtland Air Force Base. I`m confident that your time here will be beneficial and productive, and I look forward to working with you. In early June, I wrote to Colonel Close concerning the proposed eastern perimeter fencing for Kirtland Air Force Base, commonly referred to as the Otero Canyon fence. This issue is important to many of my constituents and I am asking you to consider the alternative plan for fencing in Otero Canyon. Otero Canyon has a long history of frequent use by outdoor enthusiasts including mountain bikers, bird watchers, and hikers. It has been recently featured in an outdoor magazine as having some of the best trails in the country. Otero Canyon is a popular recreation area and contributes to the quality of life of those who use it. I understand and support the need for security at the base, although recent discussions have led me to believe that security may not be the reason behind the proposed fence and that there may be some concern about hazards in the area. The period for public comment regarding the proposed fence began May 15, 2003, but after constituents reported difficulty in submitting their comments I wrote a letter to Colonel Close. I asked for an extension in the public comment period, an improvement in the process for receiving comments, as well as a public hearing. I appreciate the quick action of Kirtland Air Force Base and the willingness to extend the comment period through July 16, 2003 and also to schedule a public hearing. The public hearing was attended by nearly 600 people who have enjoyed the recreation areas in Otero Canyon and support the fence in Madera Canyon. Based upon the information provided to me by constituents and my staff who have attended several meetings regarding the fencing issue, I believe that the alternative plan for fencing in Madera Canyon should be given serious consideration. The fence is a long distance from the occupied portion of the base. If it is not patrolled, I don`t believe it will significantly enhance security at the base. And, of course, if it is not patrolled, you can also expect that it will be vandalized by people who will make holes to get bikes through in order to ride the trails they have always ridden. It`s wrong to do that, but you and I know it will probably happen. This, of course, raises the question of what purpose the fence will serve. I know this matter was on your desk when you arrived and I wanted to let you know it is quite important to the community. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Heather Wilson Member of Congress

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