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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Calls AFL-CIO Ads Deceptive and Dishonest July 28, 2000
Ad incorrectly claims that Wilson opposes providing all seniors with prescription drug coverage
WASHINGTON, DC -Congresswoman Heather Wilson is calling on the AFL-CIO to stop its deceitful ad campaign which is designed to scare New Mexico seniors. Contrary to the dishonest claims in the new labor union ad, Congresswoman Wilson recently voted for legislation to provide prescription drug coverage in Medicare that would be affordable for all, available to all, and voluntary for all--regardless of income. Specifically, the ad claims that Congresswoman Wilson, “backed a private insurance plan that will leave millions without coverage.” This claim is absolutely false. The ad sites a June 28, 2000 Congressional Budget Office report as the source for this claim, however, nowhere in the report does such a claim exist. The report can be viewed at http://www.cbo.gov/showdoc.cfm?index=2160&sequence;=0&from;=6 . “No senior should ever have to choose between food and medicine,” Wilson said “which is why I voted to add a prescription drug benefit to Medicare and I want to see the Senate pass and the President sign a prescription drug benefit this year. There are still some differences in the details of the plans swirling around Washington, but I think the differences can be resolved.” “The thing that bothers me most about Washington special interest ads like this is that they are intended to scare people who are the most vulnerable. They don’t care about the truth and they don’t care about New Mexicans. I do, and I’ll keep fighting for them every day.” “Thankfully, more than two-thirds of older Americans have prescription drug coverage today. But for the one-third who don’t, the burden is great, especially for rural Americans and women,” said Wilson. “Seniors who have drug coverage may keep it. But, seniors who need coverage will be able to get it through Medicare or through their HMO or a separate prescription drug insurance program. For low-income seniors, the government will pay the premiums for prescription coverage. This will reduce drug prices for all seniors because prices will be negotiated,” concluded Wilson. Specifically, the bill Congresswoman Wilson voted for would: Lower drug prices and expands access to prescription drugs for all beneficiaries without threatening the patient-doctor relationship. Protect against higher drug prices and runaway out-of-pocket costs. Expand seniors’ right to choose the coverage that best suits their needs through a voluntary and universally-offered benefit. Reject big government approach with a public-private partnership that lowers premiums. Invest $40 billion to modernize and strengthen Medicare. Ensure that today’s scientific research and medical innovation will continue to find tomorrow’s cures. According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the House passed drug plan would reduce the cost of prescription drugs by an average of 25% compared to only 12% in the President’s prescription drug proposal. The ad asks constituents to call the Congresswoman’s Congressional Office. As of today at 1:00 EDT, 4 people had called. The April 12, 2000, edition of the AARP News said, “…we are pleased that this proposal moves beyond the prescription drug benefit developed by the Medicare Commission-a proposal that would have provided prescription drug coverage only to low-income older Americans-to providing prescription drug coverage to all older and disabled Americans in Medicare.”

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