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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Restoring the Rio Grande October 06, 2000
Dear Friends, Long before I entered public service one of my friends said to me, "You like to color outside of the lines." That`s still true. I like to find unique solutions to seemingly insoluble problems. I don`t always succeed, but I still don`t pay attention to the lines. We had some success last week in getting the resources to do something different in the Middle Rio Grande. The Energy and Water Appropriations bill includes almost $16 million for leasing water rights, restoration of the channel, research on water and the fish, and breeding and transplantation projects for the silvery minnow. And the bill forces people to work together to get the project done. I don`t take full credit for it. Senator Pete Domenici was leading the effort on the Senate side and he`s the chairman of the spending committee. New Mexico is lucky to have him. There`s been a group of people meeting in Albuquerque over the last two years that my staff and I have participated in along with Senator Domenici`s office. It`s a diverse group of environmentalists and city people and the tribes. What we`ve talked about is whether there is a way to avoid disputes about water and the silvery minnow in the Rio Grande from becoming a battle in the courts where all that is left is bad blood and no real winners. Could we color outside of the lines? When the head Washington, D.C. lawyer for the Interior Department issued an order -- without prior notice to local folks who were working on the problem -- that pretty much federalized New Mexico water, I thought maybe we wouldn`t really have a chance to try a different solution. But maybe we still do. We started in the House spending bill with some money to lease water and build some fish structures. Senator Domenici increased the money in the Senate. A significant amount of money was added to the bill in the Conference committee between the House and the Senate with input from the White House. It made sense to put it where there was community consensus about the need and people willing to color outside of the lines. . . . So, we`ve got an opportunity and the resources to do some things differently, and I`m glad. Wish you were here, Heather

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