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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Speaker Denny Hastert Appoints Wilson to House Computer Privacy Team February 17, 2000
Wilson announces plans to establish a New Mexico Advisory group on Cyber-Security

WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Wilson has been appointed to a special task force to protect on-line privacy for children and families. Today, House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) announced that Congresswoman Heather Wilson will serve on the House Republican Cyber-Security Team, 17 members who will work with teachers, parents, local police & high-tech specialists to raise awareness on computer privacy and system integrity.

“The Internet is changing everything from the way we shop, teach our children and do business,” said Wilson. “However, there is one thing that has not changed. There are those in our society that will seek to use this marvelous innovation to cause trouble and create mischief. I am committed to ensuring that our privacy, financial information, and e-commerce transactions are protected, while allowing the Internet to grow unfettered.

“I have begun to form a local advisory group that will be made up of parents, teachers, law enforcement officials, computer experts and representatives of the local high-technology community. I look forward to working with them over the coming weeks and months as we work to address these issues,” concluded Wilson.

Wilson is the sponsor of anti-spam legislation currently moving through the House that will help families and Internet service providers, like route66.com and ihighway.net, protect themselves from unwanted e-mail. Estimates are that 2/3rds of unsolicited e-mail is pornographic and right now, consumers have no power to stop it.

Wilson also noted that the House passed a $6.9 billion measure on Tuesday aimed at expanding the government’s role in computer and scientific research and maintaining the nation’s role as a technology leader. The measure, now heading to the Senate, nearly doubles the amount of money spent on technology research last year and funnels millions more into research projects that include ways to speed up and better protect the Internet as well as how to integrate computing and medical research over the next five years.


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