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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

The Heavy Time June 19, 2001
Dear Friends,

We’re heading into “the heavy time.” It’s that time in the Congressional calendar leading up to August when the days and weeks in Washington are long and we try to get lots done. My focus will be on three things: education, energy and appropriations affecting New Mexico.

The House and Senate have both passed education bills that give much greater flexibility to local schools while requiring accountability for results. The House bill includes several pieces I worked on including teacher training and bilingual education. In conference with the Senate we’ll be working on removing barriers for blossoming charter schools.

We’ll also be working to pass a comprehensive energy bill through the House by August. Last week I was appointed to a House Energy Task Force charged with moving this effort through the House. On Monday at lunch I talked to the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce about energy policy. We’ve posted the speech on the web if you’re interested. I’ve been one of the advocates of a balanced, long-term energy policy that includes both conservation and increases in energy supply.

We also hope to get 10 of 13 annual spending bills through the House in the next six weeks. There are important projects for New Mexico in those bills including budgets for the labs and Kirtland, the next step in our push for a new veteran’s cemetery, and funds for the Corps of Engineers to address the continued flooding problems in the South Valley.

While these big things are going on, we’ll also be working on the Defense Authorization bill, trying to get the junk email bill passed and working on a prescription drug benefit for Medicare.

Now you know why we call it “the heavy time.”

Wish you were here,


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