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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

The Electoral College November 29, 2000
Dear Friends, We`ve had quite a civics lesson over the last twenty two days. I thought I`d share a few thoughts. While Senators from New York and Pennsylvania called for an end to the electoral college in the days immediately after the election, and we may yet have to deal with a proposed constitutional amendment in the Congress that convenes in January, I couldn`t support such a thing. Our founding fathers were pretty wise old birds. The electoral college was a compromise between the big states and the small states -- a way to make it less likely that we would have a President with huge majorities in a few large states but little support elsewhere. Our government is a federal republic where some powers at the federal level and the rest that stay with the states and the people. Our President is not chosen by the people of the nation, but by the people of the states. If we didn`t have an electoral college, New Mexico would never get any attention from the Presidency. We`ve heard some cries that Vice President Gore should be President because he won the popular vote. The World Series in Baseball is won by the team that wins the most games, not by the team that scores the most runs. Same with the Presidency. But I`ll tell you when my tolerance ended for this counting and recounting in Flordia. It was when I got the reports about the systematic effort to disqualify overseas military ballots. Any candidate for commander-in-chief that would tolerate and orchestrate the disenfranchisement of military men and women serving overseas to get the job has committed a foul that should cost him the game. It did in my heart. We have had a count and a recount in Florida. We have had a selective hand recount in heavily Democratic counties and we have had the rules changed. We have watched the military ballots thrown out and in each case, Governor Bush won the election in Florida. Now he has been certified as the winner in Florida. It`s time for the Vice President to concede. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Heather

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