Joe Biden, U.S. Senator for Delaware

BIDEN Lauds Committee Passage of US-India Nuclear Cooperation Agreement

September 23, 2008

Washington, DC – Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D-DE) issued the following statement today following the Foreign Relations Committee’s passage of the US-India Nuclear Cooperation Agreement:

“Showing commitment to peaceful nuclear cooperation with India – the world’s largest democracy – I am pleased that the Foreign Relations Committee approved legislation today to move forward with the US-India nuclear deal.  Sen. Lugar and the other Members of this Committee have worked hard to forge a bipartisan compromise on this important and complex issue. 

“Enactment of this bill will help the U.S.-India relationship grow, while advancing India’s ability to meet its energy needs in a way that fits within the cooperation framework Congress has worked so hard to establish.  Today’s committee passage is significant, but several steps remain before this bill becomes law.  I hope Congress can complete the job in the few days remaining before adjournment—and I’ll continue fighting as hard as I can to achieve this important victory.”

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