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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

The truth about guns September 12, 2000
Dear Friends, You may have seen a television ad this last week about protecting kids from guns. The ad asks you to call my Congressional office and give me some advice. About 100 people have called. All but two were upset with the ad, not with me. You probably wont be surprised to learn that the television commercial misrepresents my voting record on guns. The special interest group which is spending $200,000 to air these deceptive ads in New Mexico does not disclose the source of its funds, but operates out of Washington, DC. There are three things you need to know about this advertisement and its claims on my voting record. First, I believe we need to enforce the laws we already have on the books before we start enacting additional laws. That’s why I’m an original co-sponsor of H.R. 4051, Project Exile: The Safe Streets and Neighborhoods Act of 2000. My bill requires an extra five-year sentence for anyone who uses a gun while committing a crime. This sends a clear signal to criminals that they will do “hard time for armed crime” in New Mexico. The bill also gives financial incentives to states that aggressively prosecute violations of gun laws. I encouraged New Mexico state and local officials to take advantage of this feature of the bill by enacting Project Exile in New Mexico. I’m proud to report they took my advice and Project Exile was successfully kicked off on August 31, 2000 in Albuquerque. Second, the commercial misrepresents my vote on requiring background checks. The truth is I voted for a bipartisan amendment that requires a 24-hour background check on sales at gun shows. If your credit history can be checked in less than five minutes from virtually anywhere in the world, 24 hours should be plenty of time for the federal government to find out if you are a felon. After voting for the 24-hour background check, I worked with the House Democrats to pass stiffer penalties for crimes committed with high-capacity assault weapons. Third, the commercial is also misleading about pawnshops. I voted with my fellow New Mexicans on this issue, Joe Skeen and Tom Udall, to require background checks on anyone reclaiming a gun held there for more than one year. As the mother of two young children, I’m concerned about the terrible cost of gun violence. When I was a state official, I worked directly with parents who lost children to street crime and with the delinquents who committed those crimes. My voting record reflects what I believe will best protect my children and yours. The right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms is protected by the Constitution of the United States. I support that right. The problem can’t be solved by taking away the rights of law-abiding citizens. It can only be solved by punishing criminals and reaching out to our children. I try to represent New Mexico well. I thought I’d just let you know the straight scoop, in case you were wondering. Wish you were here, Heather

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