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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Peggy Klinke`s Story July 10, 2003
It all began in 1999. Margaret "Peggy" Klinke had been taking a class at the University of New Mexico. While in this class, she met a man by the name of Patrick Lee Kennedy. Peggy was 29 and had recently been divorced. She hoped to pursue a career in medicine by going back to school. Kennedy was working as a contractor and taking classes in engineering. Soon Peggy started to date Patrick. For New Year`s Eve Peggy went to her house in Poland, Ohio. There she visited her mother and her sisters, Debbie and Marilyn. While Peggy was at a party that Marilyn was throwing Patrick called up and told Marilyn he was in town and wished to surprise Peggy. Peggy`s sisters very quickly decided they did not like her new boyfriend. He kept saying inappropriate things about her appearance and saying things like "I should be dating Marilyn instead". Over the next year Peggy was selective in what she told her family, not giving any specific details about they`re relationship. The family came to believe that Patrick was very controlling of Peggy. He always wanted to know where she was and would put her down constantly. Whenever she went home, Patrick came along so she could not talk to her family without him. Her sisters tried to explain to Peggy how much they hated Patrick and how bad he was for her but she defended him. A few years later Peggy decided to hire a private investigator to get a background check on Patrick. She found out that he had lied about many things. For instance he told her he had been married once before when in fact he had really been married twice. He had been charged with vandalism and harassment concerning his second wife. Finally in October of 2001 Peggy made up her mind

next day, he drove to Peggy`s house. He first began to beat Peggy with a gun. She and a friend called 911 and tried to barricade themselves in a house. Patrick broke in and held them both as hostages when the police showed up.
to get away from Patrick. She left him but went back to him and moved in with him for a while. A year later she managed to leave Patrick, but the relationship she had with her sisters grew tense over that year. Soon after Patrick started doing things such as watching Peggy when she came and went to work and the gym. He called her constantly insisting that she should come back to him. When he got no response from her, he began to call her more frequently and watch her all the time. Peggy started to move on with her life. She began dating a man named Mark Sparks that she had met at the gym. Peggy told Mark that Patrick might bother him but Mark did not mind. In April Peggy changed jobs and phone numbers. Peggy, her mother, and Mark went to Florida for a few days and when her mother returned to Ohio returned someone had spray-painted things about Peggy on the garage door of her home. Mark and Peggy received calls from Mark`s friends that his house in Albuquerque was on fire. They believed it was Patrick but the police could not find any evidence against him. Patrick began spreading vulgar fliers about Peggy around her work place soon after. They both got threatening phone calls from Patrick and recorded them. When they gave the tapes to police officers they were encouraged to pursue stalking charges. Peggy filed a criminal complaint against Patrick and on her way from the police station two men in a truck with a gun chased her. She went back to the police station and got an escort. She couldn`t prove it but she thought Patrick had hired the men. In July Peggy got a restraining order against Patrick but it was weak at best. Since it was so weak it was never entered into a national database and therefore was recognized only in New Mexico. Patrick was arrested once on misdemeanor stalking charges but bonded out of jail. In August of 2002 Peggy got a new job and moved to California. She warned all her new neighbors about Patrick and told the police that she had a restraining order against him. They told her it did not carry over between the states and she declined to file a new one in California. She maintained a long distance relationship. Patrick hired a private investigator in New Mexico to find Peggy. New Mexico law does not require the investigator to inform the person being looked for that they are being looked for. He managed to get Patrick the name of the street Peggy lived on. During November Peggy went to visit Mark in Albuquerque. On Thanksgiving Peggy’s parents got a call from Patrick saying "There will be a death in two minutes". Police in Albuquerque were notified and searched around Mark`s house but Patrick was not there. Peggy and Mark kept detailed records of Patrick’s behavior but never got enough to get serious charges brought up against him. In January, Patrick showed up in California. He posed as a fraud investigator but couldn`t find out where Peggy lived. Finally he asked a delivery man. The delivery man said he needed clearance from his supervisor to give that information. He could not get ahold of his supervisor but gave Patrick the information he was looking for anyway. The next day, he drove to Peggy`s house. He first began to beat Peggy with a gun. She and a friend called 911 and tried to barricade themselves in a house. Patrick broke in and held them both as hostages when the police showed up. Patrick let Peggy`s friend go but kept her inside. Soon after Peggy said through the door, "Tell my mom I love her. Tell my niece I’ll be her guardian angel. And tell my sister to name the baby after me." Then two shots came from the bedroom. When police came in Patrick was dead. Peggy was taken outside but could not be revived. Patrick would have appeared in court regarding misdemeanor-stalking charges less than a week later.

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