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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Welcomes $1.8 Million in Federal Cash for New Mexico Seniors February 06, 2006

"Every senior should get the medicine they need without a lot of time and hassle at the drug store at a good price."

Rep. Heather Wilson

Funding will Help Pay NM Transition Costs with Medicare Drug Program

Congresswoman Heather Wilson welcomed news that New Mexico will see a $1.8 million boost to its coffers to help cover costs of implementing Medicare`s prescription program.

Heather met Friday with New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and Secretary Michael Leavitt of the U.S. Health and Human Services Department. Leavitt was in New Mexico to brief Wilson, Richardson, and state officials on implementation of the new prescription drug benefit under Medicare.

Under the new Medicare drug benefit, seniors on Medicaid receive drug coverage from the federal Medicare program instead of the state Medicaid program. States receive significant savings, although still share partially in the cost. The change announced today will decrease the amount the state contributes by $1.8 million, compensating the state for unexpected administrative costs incurred for poor seniors on Medicare and Medicaid during the transition.

"This is the fastest way to get an immediate cash infusion to New Mexico to help transition people from Medicaid to Medicare," Wilson said.

Heather told Secretary Leavitt that just over 70 percent of New Mexico seniors now have prescription drug coverage and more are registering every day. At the same time, there are still problems administering the program that need to be fixed rapidly.

“Every senior should get the medicine they need without a lot of time and hassle at the drug store at a good price," Wilson said. "We`re not there yet.”

Heather has visited seniors and pharmacists at Albuquerque pharmacies to keep close tabs on the implementation of the new Medicare prescription program for seniors. She has expressed concerns about the transition to the President and to Medicare officials, and is actively monitoring the effort.

She also wrote to President Bush urging action to make sure all seniors, particularly low-income or disabled seniors, get full access to their prescriptions. Heather has spoken to the Medicare Administrator, Dr. Mark McClellan, and reinforced her concerns.

In the meeting with Secretary Leavitt, while acknowledging gradual improvement over the first 30 days of the program, she highlighted some continuing problems with corrupted data or data transfer problems from CMS to providers, the difficulty tribes are having with contracting, and backlogs of registrations at CMS.

While HHS has allowed a transition period through February 15th for states to assist people transitioning from Medicaid to Medicare, Heather will monitor the implementation of the plan and, if necessary, will recommend a further extension of the transition period if needed.

Heather also called Leavitt`s attention to problems tribes are having because the Indian Health Service will not allow tribes to "piggy back" on IHS contracts with prescription drug providers at tribal health clinics.

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