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202-225-6316 Phone
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In Albuquerque
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505-346-6781 Phone
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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Three students attending UNM and a high school senior recently completed internships in Congresswoman Heather Wilson’s Albuquerque office during their spring semester. Wilson offers internships to college and high school students in her congressional district. A number of high school and college students are currently serving internships in Wilson’s office during the Summer months.

“I enjoy having high school and college students in my district office because they bring a fresh point of view to the work we`re doing,” says Wilson of her internship program. “Creating this opportunity for them is part of my commitment to provide young people with meaningful work experience, interaction with positive role models, and an opportunity to serve their community.

Camille Singaraju, a mother of two, has a Masters of Science in Medical Sciences, is a specialist in the American Association of Blood Banks, and is a medical technologist. Her special interest is in increasing the availability of healthcare to all Americans. During her three-month internship, she found healthcare policies of particular interest.

Margaret Wolfe will graduate this year Suma Cum Laude with a BA in Journalism and Mass Communication from UNM. During her time here, she found a sense of direction in her major while assisting Congresswoman Wilson’s press office.

Sarah Hunt, who is currently studying at UNM with a focus on public policy and public health, did a three month internship in Wilson’s Albuquerque office. She assisted in casework dealing with and related to her major. Sarah says she enjoyed working in an environment filled with people who, because of their integrity, gave 110% all the time.

Nicole Wunderlin, a senior from Sandia Prep, worked full time for a month in Wilson’s office. She will attend Denver University in the fall and plans on exploring a career in business. Wunderlin says she learned a great deal from her time in the office. “I saw the importance of common goals, team support, and principles in the workplace. I found the importance of being dedicated to your job, especially when helping others. I’m very grateful to Congresswoman Wilson for this opportunity and hope to see her continue her internship program.”

For more information regarding internships in Albuquerque or in our nation’s capitol, contact Julie Dreike in Wilson’s office at (505) 346-6781.

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