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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson: Albuquerque Companies Experience Jobs Growth December 01, 2003
Albuquerque, NM – Congresswoman Heather Wilson, who continues to tour Albuquerque businesses, said today that she is receiving reports of growth, new jobs and an upbeat outlook from business owners. “Reports from an upbeat small business owner planning to add another good job to New Mexico is the kind of economic report that I find so encouraging,” Wilson said. “The economy is taking off, but New Mexico will not be left behind, and in fact is leading the way.” New estimates released this week showed a 19-year high in the rate of economic growth. Numbers for last quarter were upgraded to a blistering 8.2 percent. New Mexico has been a leader in this growth, and UNM economists ranked the state second in job creation earlier this year. “Every company faces unique challenges, but I’m hearing reports of growth that are strikingly similar from large and small companies alike,” Wilson said. “We are making progress, and we have to stay on task until everyone who wants a job can find one.” Wilson toured two Albuquerque businesses today. Wilson visited the sites and was updated on each company’s history, plans and jobs outlook. Heel Inc., 11600 Cochiti Road SE, is a growing 25-year company with 70 employees which just broke ground on a 53,000-square-foot building in Sandia Science and Technology Park. Machining Solutions, 3824 Hawkins NE, is a family-owned business founded in 1997 that has grown steadily, is adding jobs this year, and now operates in a 1,000-square-foot building with several machines and a steady work load. “Small businesses like these start with a dream and drive our economy,” Wilson said. “Government can’t create wealth, but with sound policies like low taxes, fair regulations and integrity in boardrooms, America can have a climate in which businesses flourish.”
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