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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson: House Passes Comprehensive Energy Policy June 15, 2004
Energy Bill Takes Responsible Steps to Reduce Dependence

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Heather Wilson said today that the Energy bill passed by the House 244-178 would establish a balanced and comprehensive policy.

“We need a long term energy policy to keep the lights on at affordable prices, reduce our dependence on foreign fuels and preserve the beauty of the land we love,” said Wilson. “We’ve made tremendous progress in the last twenty years cleaning up the air, water and land and there’s no turning back. The good news is, we don’t have to.”

“I’m concerned that this important effort, passed last year by the House, is still stalled by a filibuster in the Senate,” Wilson said.

A national energy policy is critical to our nation’s economy and our national security. A balanced policy must encourage conservation, and the use of alternative fuels and renewable energy sources.

Renewable energy currently is less than two percent of our energy use, but one-third of the tax provisions in the bill are aimed at encouraging renewables, Wilson said. It also promotes exploring development of a hydrogen economy, and encourages clean coal technologies.

The bill also provides for steps to ensure a reliable supply of electricity, and limit and reduce blackouts such as the one experienced by much of the Northeast in 2003.

“We need a balanced policy that encourages development of renewable resources and efficiency through technology,” Wilson said.

The bill recognizes technological ability to access more of our resources while providing protection for the environment. Today’s gasoline prices are in part due to being dependent on foreign supply while worldwide demand is growing.

Wilson said this bill addresses these important energy issues, by taking real responsibility for resources and opportunities at home, and not just asking other nation’s to reduce their prices.


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