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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Facing Challenges Together February 11, 2002
Dear Friends,

Last week, the President came to the Capitol to report on the State of the Union. It`s kind of a big deal and I wanted to hear what he would say about the challenges of our times.

I think he did a good job, in his simple, clear way. He reminded us of the two big things we have to do this year: win the war on terrorism and create jobs.

Things have gone so well in Afghanistan that it is easy to forget the threat that lingers and how long this struggle will be. I remember as a child seeing history books and replicas of newspapers from World War II and Korea with headlines of battles and maps with lines drawn showing where opposing armies were. There are no real maps for the war on terrorism. They don`t have front lines.

During his speech he outlined a plan to create jobs and get our economy back to growth. People are hurting. Over 1000 people in Albuquerque have lost their jobs in the last year. 800,000 Americans have lost their jobs since the September 11th attacks.

We need to help people who are out of work through no fault of their own by extending unemployment benefits and health coverage. And we need to give small businesses the encouragement to invest in equipment and create jobs. Small business is the engine of economic growth; that`s where the jobs come from. The House has passed two versions of an economic security bill; the Senate has not passed any at all and the prospects don`t look good for them even taking a vote.

What I really appreciated about the President`s speech, though, was his emphasis on education, especially early childhood education, and teacher training. Nothing is more critical to New Mexico`s future than the education of our children. We passed the education reform bill for Kindergarten through 12th grade. But there is much more to be done.

I`m looking forward to a busy and important year.

Wish you were here,


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