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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

A G.I. Bill for Teachers May 09, 2000
Dear Friends,

In January, I asked the Education Committee of the Congress to come to Albuquerque to hold a field hearing on teacher training, charter schools and early childhood education. We had some great testimony from New Mexicans -- including Dean Vi Flores from the UNM College of Education.

We already have a teacher shortage in New Mexico and it`s going to get worse over the next decade. Nationwide, America will need 2 million teachers in the next 10 years. In New Mexico, we have a very high percentage of teachers that are teaching outside of their fields -- math and science teachers who do not have a major or minor in math or science, for example. And, we have a lot of teachers who are hired "on waivers" who aren`t certified yet.

In January, I asked the witnesses at the hearing what the federal government could do that would make the most difference. The answer from UNM was a good one, and this week I introduced a bill to make it happen.

It`s got a formal name, but I call it "The G.I. Bill for Teachers". It would give a $10,000 scholarship to outstanding high school students who are committed to the profession of teaching or a $5,000 part-time scholarship to classroom teachers or educational assistants to continue their education. In return, they`d serve two years in the classroom for every year of the scholarship.

The bill I introduced isn`t a little program, and I`m sure it will raise some eyebrows. I hope it also raises some consciences. It authorizes $260 million in the first year. That`s enough for 25,000 full time scholarships nationwide. It`s time to commit ourselves to education in a substantial way.

I want a great school in every neighborhood and a public school system that is the envy of the world. Two things will take us a long way toward that goal.

The first is being good parents and mentors. Kids need to hear from us over and over again. "Homework comes first." "We expect you to be respectful to your teacher." "It`s not `if` you go to college, it`s `when`." "Work hard." "A good education is the ticket to your dream." "You did a good job and I`m proud of you."

The second is well educated and trained classroom teachers. Education happens in the classroom between a teacher and a child. The G.I. Bill for Teachers will help us achieve that goal.

Wish You Were Here,


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