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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Talks to Medicaid Recipients, Providers May 29, 2003
House Committee to Look at Healthcare Reform

Albuquerque, NM – Congresswoman Heather Wilson today toured a New Mexico healthcare facility that serves a high Medicaid patient base. Wilson has been tapped to take the reigns of a Congressional Medicaid Task Force that will look for ways to modernize the Medicaid program and improve the health of low-income Americans who rely on the program for wellness. Wilson will chair the task force, composed of five Members of Congress with an interest in healthcare issues.

“A lot of people in New Mexico rely on Medicaid for their medical care,” says Wilson, a member of Commerce’s Health Subcommittee. “And, just as importantly, a strong Medicaid program contributes to the overall health of our healthcare system. If we want to continue to attract jobs to New Mexico, we have to have a top-rate healthcare system. Medicaid is an important component.”

Medicaid is a health insurance program jointly funded by the federal government and the states. Generally, eligibility for Medicaid is limited to low-income children, pregnant women, parents of dependent children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

“In considering someone to head up this task force, Heather Wilson was my first choice,” according to Congressman Billy Tauzin, Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. “Congresswoman Wilson knows these issues inside and out and she’s passionate about finding some common sense solutions. That’s why I asked her to lead this effort.”

The Energy and Commerce Committee, where Wilson serves, is actively pursuing modernization of the Medicaid program. The recently passed budget resolution creates a reserve fund to modernize the Medicaid program.

The Medicaid task force will:

identify reforms that would improve the health of low income Americans;
make recommendations for changes so that dollars spent on Medicaid are not wasted and fraud is deterred or detected.
Seek to ensure long-term fiscal viability of the program.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee, with exclusive jurisdiction in the U.S. House over Medicaid, plans to begin a series of Medicaid hearings in mid-June. Wilson’s task force will seek to provide preliminary recommendations that may be incorporated into those hearings.

Member’s of the Medicaid task force include Wilson and Representatives Nathan Deal of Georgia, Ed Whitfield of Kentucky, Mary Bono of California and Ernie Fletcher of Kentucky.


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