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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Recognized for Work for Jobs May 26, 2004
Wilson Speaks on ‘Building a Field of Dreams’

Albuquerque, NM – Congresswoman Heather Wilson was presented today with the 2004 “Spirit of Enterprise” award by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for her efforts on behalf of jobs and small businesses.

The presentation was made prior to Wilson’s State of the District speech, delivered today to the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce and entitled “Building a Field of Dreams.” This year’s award was based on 30 votes that are important to jobs and businesses, such as tax relief and trade agreements.

“As long as there is one person without a job and without hope, we still have work to do,” Wilson said today. “Our economy is moving in the right direction with impressive growth that we can build on.”

In today’s remarks, Wilson cited the 1,100 jobs created in New Mexico last month alone and three quarters of strong economic growth. Wilson is working to create the conditions in which businesses can create jobs, and is co-sponsoring a bill which would give small businesses $3,500 in tax relief for every new job created. Small businesses create eight of every 10 new jobs in America.

“A pro-business outlook is imperative to the overall success of our city and state,” said Terri L. Cole, Chamber president and CEO. “Congresswoman Wilson is well-known for her support of business and for working hard on issues such as job creation and other focuses that contribute to strengthening the economy.”

Wilson has toured Albuquerque businesses throughout the downturn and recovery, and continues to job shadow to take the pulse of the jobs outlook.

“One of the best ways I learn about business and the economy is by actually visiting the places where people work,” Wilson said. “From McDonald’s to UNM’s Cancer Center, I’ve had a chance to learn about dozens of jobs and listen to the things that concern people.”


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