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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Supports Veterans And Housing Funding September 13, 1999
WASHINGTON -- Congresswoman Heather Wilson hailed passage of H.R. 2684, the Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies (VA/HUD) Appropriations Act, for the year 2000. The bill provides $92 billion for veterans' benefits, housing programs and various agencies dealing mostly with science, space and the environment. The measure passed the House on a vote of 235-187.
"This appropriation bill is good public policy," Wilson said. "Needed funding will go to help veterans and those who are in the most need for housing. I am concerned about the funding levels for science, but overall the bill will help Albuquerque and New Mexico."
A large portion of the bill's funding supports VA efforts to provide extensive health, housing, education and compensatory benefits to military veterans and their dependents, $1.5 billion more than last year and $1.6 billion more than the President's request. HUD funding is increased by $2 billion including an increase for Section 8 housing rental assistance and $4.5 billion for community development. The bill also provides $7.3 billion for the Environmental Protection Agency, $277.8 million less than last year and $105.9 million more than the President's request. In addition the bill includes $1.45 billion for Superfund cleanup work, $1.2 billion for clean water state revolving funds and $775 million for safe drinking water state revolving funds. The bill also provides $880.7 million for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
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