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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Rep. Wilson Opposes Fatally Flawed FISA Bill October 10, 2007
Washington D.C. – Congresswoman Heather Wilson today opposed the Democrat’s flawed FISA bill.

Wilson released the following statement:

“The Democrat bill would restore the ability of terrorists to plot to kill Americans.

“The Democrat bill limits the types of intelligence that can be collected. The bill would require a warrant to collect foreign intelligence in foreign countries related to the foreign affairs of the United States. That means we need a warrant to collect intelligence on human rights in Burma or narco-trafficking in Columbia, or political links between Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Castro in Cuba. This would be an unprecedented expansion of the court’s involvement, limiting foreign intelligence collection.

“Second, the bill would limit intelligence collection vital to American soldiers in combat if that collection comes off a wire in the United States. This would take us back to the same problems we faced in the Spring and Summer of this year.

“America spies on its enemies. We steal secrets. We listen to conversations of people in foreign countries who are not friendly toward us. By long established court precedent, foreigners in foreign countries don’t have rights under the American Constitution.

“We must balance the needs to protect the civil liberties of US citizens with the needs to protect our citizens from attacks. FISA is instrumental in helping the Intelligence Community protect our nation and our friends from additional terrorist attacks. Congress can and must make permanent the fixes that were signed into law just before the August recess.”

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