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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Encouraged by Job Creation; Tours CVI Laser October 10, 2003
Albuquerque, NM – Congresswoman Heather Wilson today toured CVI Laser, a growing high-tech business in Albuquerque, and highlighted the need to maintain focus on growth policies as the economy recovers. CVI Laser is expecting 10 percent growth this year, and is one of the nation’s largest optics manufacturers. The expansion will add 34 new jobs in Albuquerque over five years. “CVI Laser’s growth is a sign of things to come,” Wilson said. “These are good paying jobs in an area – optics – that Albuquerque has always been strong in.” “The economy is getting traction, but we have to keep after it until everyone who wants a job, has one,” Wilson said. “Government can’t create wealth. But government can create a climate in which businesses can flourish, with low taxes, fair regulations, and integrity in boardrooms.” Jobless claims dropped this week to the lowest level in eight months, in another encouraging statistic in the continuing economic recovery. The jobs bill that passed this year increased the amount small businesses can “expense” from $25,000 to $100,000. The expanded child tax credit and reductions in individual income tax rates allow New Mexicans to keep more of what they earn. “We welcome Congresswoman Wilson to CVI Laser today, and we’re pleased with her interest in our goals for growth,” said Bob Soales, vice-president of sales and marketing. “CVI Laser has weathered the downturn and is expanding. We’re looking forward to significant growth this year, which will have a positive impact on each of offices, including Albuquerque.” “Jobs are being created in both the public and private sector,” Wilson said. “While more needs to be done, we can celebrate the long-term success of CVI Laser and other businesses right here in New Mexico.”
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