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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Letter to VA Secretary March 07, 2007
The Honorable Jim Nicholson
Veterans Affairs
VA Central Office
810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20420

Dear Jim,

On Friday, March 2, 2007 I met with Mr. George Marnell, Director of the New Mexico Veterans Affairs (VA) Health Care System, and his team to be briefed on the health care being provided at the VA hospital for returning Iraq and Afghanistan Active Duty, Guard, Reserve and veterans. I appreciated the opportunity to discuss the health care needs and delivery with the Albuquerque health care management team. They provided me with initial information during our discussion.

The meeting provided some initial reassurance that the serious systemic problems we have seen at other facilities serving Iraq and Afghanistan Active Duty and veterans may not exist at the Albuquerque hospital. Given the importance of this issue and the fact that the Albuquerque VA Medical Center is a joint Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense (DOD) hospital, I would like a written reply to the following questions which I presented to Mr. Marnell.

Overview of Iraq/Afghan Veterans System of Care

  • How many Iraq and Afghan Active Duty, Guard, Reserve and veterans are being served by the Albuquerque hospital, both in patient and out patient services? Please include data from first admissions of returning soldiers/veterans to current, type of care received, and monthly admissions and discharges, if applicable.

  • How is the New Mexico VA health care system notified of Iraq and Afghan Active Duty, Guard, Reserve and veterans who have returned to New Mexico?

  • Are the soldiers assessed prior to returning to New Mexico? If so, how are those assessments and treatment plans shared with the New Mexico VA health care system to ensure the continuum of care?

  • What system is in place for follow up or reassessment of Active Duty, Guard, Reserve, and veterans for their treatment plan?

  • What system is in place for follow up or reassessment for those who do not enter treatment immediately upon return?

    · What support systems and case managers do you have in place and what are their caseloads for overall veterans serviced and specific to Iraq and Afghan service?

    · For New Mexicans receiving care at another VA or DOD facility, what systems of support for the individual and their family are in place?

  • What systems are in place for outreach to returning soldiers and their families regarding care and programs available to them?

  • An overarching question is how are systems of care coordinated between DOD and VA as an individual moves within the Departments?

    Quality of Care

  • What is your system for tracking quality and what are those results showing?
  • What are the caseloads for those involved with direct treatment (Physicians, therapists, councilors, and others)?
  • How have the caseloads been affected by those entering the system after service in Iraq and Afghanistan?
  • What are the waiting times for care? I understand that most returning soldiers have an initial appointment with a primary care physician within 30 days. What is the time frame for follow up appointments for care, therapy, specialties and other needs for their plan of care?
  • How do you get feedback and satisfaction data from patients? What does that data show?
    Is there an ombudsman? What system is in place for raising concerns and resolution?

    Mental Health Care

  • What programs are in place for PTSD patients? Please include information for the greater Albuquerque area and the VA clinics throughout the State.
  • How many Iraq/Afghan Active Duty, Guard, Reserve and veterans are being cared for mental health conditions?
  • Are there waiting lists for programs/care? How long is the wait time?
  • I understand the VA has experienced a higher than usual no-show rate for mental health services and has started to put into place processes to address this. What is the no-show rate, and trend in data?

    Outpatient Care

  • How many Iraq/Afghan veterans are served as outpatients who live outside the Albuquerque area?
  • Do they have to stay in Albuquerque temporarily?
  • What support mechanisms are in place for those receiving outpatient services?
  • Where do they stay when they are getting outpatient treatment?


  • Are you planning any new programs or program expansions do to needs identified for Iraq/Afghanistan Veterans?
  • What programs/care is available for traumatic brain injury treatment?

    I am seeking specific data that addresses the questions I have asked and would appreciate other information that you believe would be helpful for me in understanding the care being provided to those returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

    I am preparing to meet with Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, their families and Veteran Service Organization in late March to get their perspectives. I would appreciate a reply to my letter by Wednesday, March 28. If it is not possible to have all questions answered by that date, I would appreciate an interim reply with initial information you can provide.


    Heather Wilson
    Member of Congress

    HW: jd2

    cc: George Marnell, Director VA Health Care System
    Col. Robert Suminsby, Commander, 377th Air Base Wing
    General Kenny Montoya, Commander, NM Guard
    Major General Daniel Darnell, Air Force, LL
    Honorable Robert Wilkie, OSD/LL
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