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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Statement on President’s Immigration Proposal May 15, 2006
Albuquerque, NM – U.S. Rep. Heather Wilson reacted today to President Bush`s immigration proposal.

“I have always been in favor of a comprehensive approach to immigration and border security. I agree with many of the points the President outlined tonight, particularly an emphasis on ending the practice known as ‘catch and release.’ With respect to the National Guard proposal, I have opposed stationing active duty military on the border and I have some important questions about the idea of using the National Guard to supplement the border patrol that need to be answered.

“It was not clear whether the President intended for the Guard to be called up under federal authority or directed to the border by Governors. If it is under the authority of the Governors, there is no federal mission – and no federal funding either. In general, military units are not trained for police and security functions unless they are trained as military police. Even then, Guard units do not have law enforcement authority when they are not on a military base. The President has said the Guard will be used in support functions. I want to know what their missions will be, that their training is sufficient to do that mission, that their rules of engagement are clear, and that this support mission is the best use of their skills and time as Guardsmen given the other demands on their service. I am not yet convinced that additional manpower drawn from the Guard to perform support functions for the Border Patrol will secure the border or be the best use of our National Guard.”

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