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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Supports Relief for Family Caregivers June 30, 2005
Legislation Would Provide Respite Care
Washington, DC – Congresswoman Heather Wilson today joined Congressman Mike Ferguson (R-NJ) and Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) in introducing the Lifespan Respite Care Act of 2005. The legislation would authorize $90.5 million over five years to create statewide respite care programs and provide training programs for respite care providers. “Federal funding for respite care programs currently focuses on those who care for the elderly. This legislation would expand resources for caregivers of disabled children and adults of all ages,” said Wilson. Respite care provides temporary relief to family members who provide ongoing care for individuals with disabilities, chronic illness, or other special needs. Respite caregivers often come into an individual’s home to temporarily care for the special needs person while the normal caregiver takes a break or tends to their own health problems. About 200,000 New Mexicans provide ongoing care for family members with special needs and could benefit from respite care services. New Mexico currently faces a shortage of respite care providers. “We provide the resources in this legislation to increase the number of respite care professionals, and to help families understand the services that are available. Some single parents provide care to their special needs children 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Providing assistance for a temporary respite for these tired caregivers makes a tremendous difference.” The legislation will be referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, of which Wilson is a member.
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