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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Defending America July 19, 2004
Dear Friends, By now, you all have seen news coverage from the Department of Homeland Security about the desire of al Qaeda to conduct a large terrorist attack this year. We`ve had a briefing what is known and what is being done to try to prevent it. We have been very fortunate since September 11 to have not been attacked here at home. We have successfully disrupted some operations, both here and abroad. But the threat is real if not very specific. So what do we do about it? Law enforcement, homeland security and the intelligence services have a long list of things they are doing to increase the likelihood that we will detect or disrupt an attack. The Congress will support their efforts with funding and legislation like the Bioshield bill we passed last week to better prepare ourselves for the possibility of biological agents being used by terrorists. But, while watching the serious and intent expressions in the room as we were being told last week about how government agencies are trying to defend us, two things seemed clear to me. First is that the best defense is offense. If there is a wasp nest on my porch, I can make sure all the screens are fixed and tell the kids to keep the doors closed. But, even if it takes some time and preparation and risk, the best thing to do is go out on the porch and destroy the nest. And the second thing is that our government agencies have to get it right all the time. The terrorists just have to find one hole in the porch screen. If they do, I believe our greatest strength is us: ordinary Americans willing to confront evil and do what we can from where we are with what we`ve got. I often reflect on the passengers on United Flight 93 when I`m in briefings like the one last week. Because of cell phones and a departure delay, they knew enough to act and they did. America has always been defended by ordinary citizens who have done extraordinary things. We all hope that the circumstances never arise again in which some have to. Wish you were here,

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