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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

A Day on the Job June 10, 2004
Before You Leave Home:
Eat breakfast! Habitat does not provide morning food. Dress appropriately with clothes that are not baggy. Tie long hair back and remove jewelry. Hats, sunscreen and sunglasses are always advisable. Bring work gloves (or we can provide them) and wear sturdy shoes (no sandals). We have all the tools you will need, but if you want to bring your own hand tools you are welcome to do so – just be sure your name is on everything.

When you get to the site:
At the site, you can expect to meet great people, work side by side with the family who will be getting the house, and have fun making their dream come true. You will not be asked to do something that makes you uncomfortable, such as getting on a roof, or operating power tools. You do not need any special skills to be part of a Habitat building crew. However, as we provide training, we encourage you to work the full 8 – 4 workday.

8:00 am: Volunteers check in at the site, register, sign waivers, and get a name tag. They then are assigned to a house, introduced to the Job Captain and the Crew Leader who trains them in the skill required for the day and works along side them.

Noon: Lunch Break. Habitat provides the lunch on Saturdays only. We have a vegetarian option, but cannot prepare for other special diets. After lunch back to work.

4:00 pm: Work Day Ends.

Good Building Practices
  • Housekeeping is everyone’s responsibility. Keep your area clean and orderly.  Put away tools, materials, and equipment in their designated area when finished.
  • Lifting: Always lift heavy materials using safe lifting practices.  “Safe” means using your legs, not your back - and get help when you need it.
  • Pay Attention: Remember that things may be going on above or below you.
  • Do not throw construction materials, tools, or yourself off roofs.
  • Take breaks for a drink of water every ½ hour.  Sit down if you feel tired.
  • Be aware of heights and when on a roof be sure you have secure footing and watch where you are going.
  • Report any injuries or accidents to a staff member. There is a first aid kit available.
  • No children under 14 at the work site. It can be a dangerous place.


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