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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

In and Around Town April 25, 2000
Helping Neighbors:

Congresswoman Heather Wilson is back home for the House Spring Recess and has a busy public schedule. Check the events section of Heather’s e-news for a complete listing of her public activities. You can also call Heather’s office at 346-6781 if you have any questions.

On Monday, Heather welcomed the Judiciary Committee of the United States Congress to New Mexico for a forum on the rising threat Methamphetamines pose to our families and our communities. An array of witnesses testified about their experiences and proposed solutions. Witnesses included law enforcement officials, a former meth addict and her mother, the Special Commissioner for Domestic Violence, and people from the drug treatment community.

On Tuesday afternoon, Heather held a town hall at the Vista Del Rio Senior Center where she discussed the preliminary outline of a new comprehensive plan to strengthen Medicare while modernizing the program with a prescription drug benefit for seniors. The plan, details of which are being developed in Congress, would offer voluntary prescription drug coverage to every senior while protecting them from exploding prices that threaten their financial security.

Throughout the rest of the week Heather will attend a number of community event including the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony at the Taylor Middle School, a Congressional Award Ceremony with local Boys and Girls clubs, as well as some meetings with high school government classes and local business and community leaders.

If you’d like more information about any of these events, please call Heather’s office at 505-346-6781.

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