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Dear Friends, In the spring of 1998 I dropped by a meeting of China-Burma-India veterans who meet at the Palo Duro Senior Center. We got to talking and telling stories. My grandfather was a Scotsman who flew unreliable wood and fabric airplanes during World War I. After the Great War he came to America where he was a barnstormer in the 20s and 30s. Late in World War II he was asked pull together a unit to fly wounded out of the jungles in CBI using light airplanes that would land on c...
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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

E-Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 33
Serving Neighbors

Projects to Benefit Our Community and Beyond

New Mexico is a state that prides itself on being generous, strong-willed, and compassionate. This holiday season, New Mexicans are stepping up to this description by establishing projects to aid our state as well as those affected by the September 11th attacks on our Nation.
New Mexico Fights Back:
Three projects you can participate in are... Stamp Out Hunger (Eyewitness News 4) Lights For Liberty: The Luminaria Project (KRQE News 13) Operation Home Front (Action 7 News)

Fun Facts
Why would you want to reach for the stars this week?
Why would you want to reach for the stars this week?
Because on this day in 1969, the members of Apollo 12 did just that. Apollo 12 was launched from Kennedy Space Center during a thunderstorm and, surprisingly, was struck twice by lightening before leaving Earth’s atmosphere. It was the second mission in which humans walked on the lunar surface and returned to Earth. During this mission, two astronauts (Apollo 12 Commander Charles P. "Pete" Conrad and LM Pilot Alan L. Bean) landed in Oceanus Procellarum (Ocean of Storms) on the Moon, set up scientific experiments, took photographs, examined the nearby Surveyor 3 spacecraft which had landed on the Moon 2 1/2 years earlier and removed pieces for later examination on Earth, and collected lunar samples on two moonwalks. The Astronauts returned home on the 24th of November.

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