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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Touts GOP Decade of Dreams February 22, 2000
Republican Responds to Secretary Riley’s State of Education Address

ALBUQUERQUE, NM – This morning Congresswoman Heather Wilson touted the Republican Congressional agenda on education, saying that we must “set aside our small differences and work together to build a Decade of Dreams for every child, in every neighborhood, in every school across America.”

“The Republican Congress increased our investment in education by 26 per cent in the last five years,” said Wilson to an eager audience of high school students. “Last year, Congress added $200 million over the previous year, a total of $1 billion more than the President requested.”

“Congress focused on the needs of special education students, investing an additional $700 million in them, and adding another $200 million for disadvantaged kids. Congress also provided millions more to reduce class sizes, improve teacher training, and assist local school districts in meeting other critical needs.”

But Wilson cautioned that more money for education doesn’t mean more of the same, “We don’t believe Washington has magic answers. And like you, we want education decisions made by somebody that knows your child’s name.”

“Parents must make the time,” emphasizes Wilson, “to get directly involved in their kids’ education.”

Wilson’s comments came today during a speech at the Career Enrichment Center of the Albuquerque Public School system before an audience of high school teenagers. Secretary Richard Riley of the United States Department of Education was slated to deliver the administration’s “State of American Education” address in North Carolina. Congresswoman Wilson was asked by Speaker Dennis Hastert to deliver the Republican response to Riley’s speech.


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