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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson: Small Businesses Build America April 26, 2004
Lawmaker Lends Hand at Belew’s Office Supply

Albuquerque – Against the backdrop of Belew’s Office Supply, Congresswoman Heather Wilson today said that economic growth is built on small businesses.

Wilson was at Belew’s to help customers and learn firsthand about the business, as she continues job shadowing at a variety of jobs throughout the community.

“We’ve seen seven straight months of economic growth, and I’m encouraged by stronger than expected job creation in March,” Wilson said. “Eight of every 10 new jobs are created by small businesses. Even with the good economic news, we need to continue to support policies that create jobs.”

Wilson participates in “work days” throughout the community to better keep in touch with workers and employers. Last week, she rolled up her sleeves to help out at Frontier Restaurant, then joined students and teachers to work in the garden at Lowell Elementary. Recently, she has pitched in at a local grocery, and operated a curb and gutter machine at a west side neighborhood under construction.

“Decisions made in Washington affect people where they live and work. It’s important to take time to understand what is affecting small businesses and their employees here in Albuquerque,” Wilson said. “Government can’t create wealth. But government can create the conditions for people to invest and create jobs.”

The jobs bill passed last year by Congress expanded the definition of small businesses and increased the amount that small businesses can expense from $25,000 to $100,000, saving money for growing businesses that see a need to invest in equipment or infrastructure.


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