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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

House Approves Wilson Co-Sponsored Violence Against Women Act September 26, 2000
Albuquerque, NM—The US House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the bi-partisan Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) earlier this afternoon. Congresswoman Wilson, an original co-sponsor of the bi-partisan legislation (H.R. 1248), voted in favor of this critical piece of legislation. The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration. Although the original Violence Against Women Act’s authorization will expire on September 30, the House has already passed $284 million for the VAWA programs that money will be available whether the original law is reauthorized or not. The bill, known as VAWA II, will reauthorize many of the critically important programs from the original legislation. In addition, VAWA II addresses such issues as the impact of domestic violence on children, campus crime, rape and sexual assault prevention, insurance discrimination, domestic violence training for medical personnel, workplace safety, problems faced by older women and disabled women, legal services eligibility, and the safety of battered immigrant women. “The unfortunate truth in our country today is that many women are as fearful of the person they live with as they are of the stranger in a dark alley,” said Wilson. “Members of my Crime Advisory Council, including people who work everyday with battered and abused women, have told me that this legislation is critical to the life-saving work they do. I’m glad to see that the President is as committed to this legislation as people in my district are.” “As a direct result of the original VAWA legislation, there are more investigations and more prosecutions with stiffer penalties for those who commit domestic violence. VAWA helps community groups save and rebuild lives. These programs must continue in order to help ensure the safety of all women and children,” she said. “These important grants and programs are giving victims a second chance. We must continue our commitment by providing women and children with alternatives to the fear and tragedy of domestic violence and child abuse. We must spread the message that victims of domestic violence will be protected from abuse,” said Wilson.

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