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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Rep. Wilson Responds to President Bush's Speech on Iraq September 13, 2007

Congresswoman Heather Wilson’s Response to President Bush’s Speech on Iraq


Albuquerque, NM—The following is Congresswoman Heather Wilson’s response to President Bush’s Speech on Iraq: 

“I thought the President’s characterization of success achieved over the past eight months in Iraq was somewhat overstated.  The challenges ahead to secure America’s vital interests are formidable; the challenges for the Iraqi people to build their own future are even more so. 


“I will continue to encourage the President and my colleagues in the Congress to focus on America's vital national interests in Iraq: denying Al Qaeda safe haven and making sure Iraq does not become a source of instability in the region.  These aims are quite limited.


“General Petraeus has recommended bringing 5,700 American troops home by Christmas and another 24,000 by next summer, while gradually shifting responsibility for taking the lead for security to Iraqi forces.  I believe the course proposed by General Petraeus could be a turning point for United States involvement in Iraq.


“Senator Reed of Rhode Island, who offered the Democrat response, was very critical of the course General Petraeus has proposed and the President has endorsed while straining to explain what he would propose that really is different.  Both General Petraeus and Senator Reed would bring US troops home. Senator Reed seems to want to bring troops home faster, though he was unclear about how much faster and how much risk to American vital interests that might entail.  I'm not sure that is wise, and I trust the recommendations of our military commanders in the field on how fast to safely and successfully bring American troops home more than I trust politicians in Washington.  


“Congress will have an important role to play in funding the troops, including the timing of scale of force reductions.  It's time to focus on the future and build consensus on what America's vital interests in the region are and how we can best pursue those interests.  I look forward to working with my colleagues to do so.”



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