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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Applauds New Budget Plan March 23, 2000
Proposed Budget will provide $20.6 billion in additional funding for education

WASHINGTON, DC –Congresswoman Heather Wilson today applauded the new budget proposal that is expected to pass by the House later this evening. During a press conference with Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, Congresswoman Wilson hailed the plan’s fiscal responsibility and commitment to education.

“The nation’s thriving economy, together with Congress’ recent ability to curb federal spending, has created an unprecedented budget surplus and an incredible opportunity for America,” said Wilson. “I am extremely pleased that our budget will continue the precedent set last year and save every penny of the Social Security surplus to ensure that the system is secure for generations to come. I am equally excited that we now have a plan to wipe out the public debt by the year 2013. This will eliminate a tremendous burden from our children and grandchildren that only a few years ago no one would have dreamed possible.

“These good times have presented our country with a wonderful opportunity, but it will only be an opportunity for our children if they are prepared for the future with the best education in the world. I do not mean just some kids. I mean, every child in every neighborhood.

“Our budget will provide an increase of $2.2 billion next year and $20.6 billion for education over the next five years. That’s an increase of almost 10%. And this continues the trend of the last five years in which the Republican-led Congress has increased the federal investment in education by billions of dollars more than President Clinton requested.

“But we’re not satisfied to do the same thing in the same old way. We’re moving your tax dollars out of the Washington bureaucracy and requiring that they be spent in the classroom in your neighborhood schools. We’ve passed landmark legislation to give states and school districts freedom from federal red tape while demanding accountability for results.

“We don’t believe that Washington has magic answers. And like you, we want education decisions made by somebody that knows your child’s name.

“One of the top priorities in the budget proposal is increasing funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). When Congress passed the IDEA Act originally, they promised to pay for 40 percent of the cost, but they have failed to live up to their promise. As a result, states and local governments have to foot the bill. Instead of spending precious resources on teacher training, school maintenance or other priorities they are forced to make up for the shortfall so they can meet the Federal requirements for special education.

“You and I are so lucky today to live in this great land and to share in such a remarkable legacy. Let us resolve, here and now, that we will set aside our small differences and work together to build a Decade of Dreams for every child, in every neighborhood, in every school across America -- to give every child wings for their dreams,” concluded Wilson.

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