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spacer Dear Friends, June 19, 2001
Dear Friends,

We’re heading into “the heavy time.” It’s that time in the Congressional calendar leading up to August when the days and weeks in Washington are long and we try to get lots done. My focus will be on three things: education, energy and appropriations affecting New Mexico.

The House and Senate have both passed education bills that give much greater flexibility to local schools while requiring accountability for results. The House bill includes several pieces I wo...
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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

E-Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 21
Serving Neighbors

Saving Energy -- 99 ways to increase your home`s efficiency

Everybody agrees that electricity is pretty amazing. It can keep you warm, give you light, cook your food, and help entertain you. Natural gas is amazing as well. Gas provides energy that is efficient, clean and economical. In fact, natural gas is the cleanest-burning fossil fuel, the most desirable fuel for the environment.

Read this week`s Serving Neigbors to find out how you can save energy...

Fun Facts
What is big, red and only about 42 million miles away?
What is big, red and only about 42 million miles away?
The planet Mars as seen by the Voyager Space Probe.

The red planet, Mars is glowing in the night sky this month as its path in the solar system brings it closer to Earth than at any other time since 1988: only 42,000,000 miles away. That`s but a hop, skip, and a jump! Astronomically speaking, that is.

Mars, with its magnificent red color shining as bright as a star, should be hard to miss shimmering above the southeastern horizon.

On the 21st of June, Mars will come within 42 million miles of earth, the closest it has been in 13 years. On the 28th of August 2003 it will be even closer, at only 34,700,000 miles from Mother Earth.

The planet’s eccentric orbit causes its distance from Earth to vary.

The Red Planet will make a spectacular sight with out the aid of a telescope or other equipment. But with a good telescope you and your kids might even be able to pick out the Mars` moons, Deimos and Phobos.

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