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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Medicare Prescription Plan: Give It a Try April 21, 2006
Albuquerque Journal online

Albuquerque Journal Editorial

    Critics of the federal Medicare Part D prescription drug plan complain about the program`s complexity, the large number of choices and coverage that doesn`t match the list of drugs they are taking now.

    Some of the criticism is valid. But since the plan went into effect Jan. 1, there have been some needed adjustments. And more are on the way.

    Rep. Heather Wilson, R-N.M., said Wednesday she`s proposing a bill that would add a class of mental-health drugs to the Part D coverage and ensure that the poorest recipients get the same medications they`ve been getting under Medicaid.

    The proposed changes come as the May 15 enrollment deadline approaches. Eligible beneficiaries who don`t sign up by then pay a penalty in higher premiums and won`t be able to enroll again until a six-week window opens up Nov. 15. Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., and others are urging passage of a bill to roll back the deadline— which may be premature since people tend to put off anything they can put off.

    The near hysteria about how difficult it is to enroll appears to be overstated. A Washington Post-ABC News poll found that three-quarters of enrollees surveyed thought the sign-up was easy. One Iowa woman told the Post, "We thought it was going to be this horrible experience. It turned out to be quite the opposite." Nearly two-thirds of those surveyed said the program was saving them money.

    Seniors won`t know if the prescription coverage program will work for them unless they enroll. And it`s not that difficult. Help is available 24 hours a day at www.medicare.gov or (800) 633-4227. Many local pharmacies can help their customers sort things out.

    This plan may not be perfect, but the best thing for seniors to do is get advice and see for themselves. The savings won`t add up for procrastinators or others who don`t sign up.

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