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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

A Balanced Energy Policy April 22, 2008

Dear Friends,

Oil and gas prices are a big part of our economy, and many Americans are feeling the pinch at the pump.

No economy can run smoothly without reliable and affordable energy. There are some short-term things we can do -- like stop putting oil into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. But we need a balanced, long-term energy policy that makes America more energy independent. That means producing more at home, conservation that can get us more miles to the gallon, and research into game-changing technologies.

Cuba and China are now drilling in waters off the northwest coast of Cuba in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico closer to the Florida shoreline than American companies are allowed to because of laws passed by the United States Congress.

That makes no sense.

I am a cosponsor of The National Environment and Energy Development Act, legislation that would open additional areas off the Eastern Gulf of Mexico and on the East and West coasts for natural gas development. Likewise, we need to explore for oil here in America.

A balanced energy policy must include not just production, but also conservation.

We are making progress on being more efficient. I supported Senator Domenici’s energy bill in December 2007 that increased mileage standards for cars by 40% by 2020 and increased building and appliance efficiency standards. The bill made a separate category for "work trucks" -- an F-250 and above. And all three auto manufacturers said they can meet this higher standard without compromising safety.

That means, if you drive an average car today and put enough gas in it to go 100 miles. The average car in 2020 will go 140 miles on the same tank of gas. That's a big difference in gasoline demand.

And we need to invest in the kind of game-changing research that will, eventually, get us beyond the gasoline engine.

Wish you were here, 


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