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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Garden involves community in school October 27, 2003
Dear Friends, Out the back gate of Lowell Elementary School is a garden. It is a place where the school and the community connect, and a project supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It used to be an a shallow arroyo filled with weeds where drug deals were done. Now it is an outdoor classroom filled with gourds and watermelons and children and neighbors. Lowell faces challenges. Ninety-seven percent of its students qualify for free lunch and the school has very high mobility -- a measure of how many kids move in and out of the neighborhood during the year. But they are meeting those challenges. This year, they met standards and they are determined to do so again. Dan Abeyta of the USDA went to the Principal, Ms. Shari Gonzales and suggested the garden. Now the whole community is involved -- which is always great for a school. Kids can learn a lot of things from a garden. There`s a lot of math and science among the tomatoes and pumpkins -- everything from seed germination and photosynthesis to acre feet and perimeters of rectangles. And Lowell seems to have integrated their garden into the curriculum well. But there are other important things for children there too. They learn to care for something bigger than themselves, and they learn that patient stewardship and hard work is rewarded with things that are beautiful and delicious. There are a lot of good things happening at the back fence at Lowell. I`m glad I got to see it. Wish you were here,

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