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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Westside Infrastructure Critical to Job Growth, Says Wilson
August 23, 2003
Albuquerque, NM - Congresswoman Heather Wilson has paved the way for New Mexico to receive $13 million in federal funding for transportation and infrastructure projects. One million of those dollars are slated for reconstruction of the Coors and I-40 interchange, which neighborhood groups and local legislators have identified as a top priority. "The improvements will carry a very significant price tag and a major partner in this endeavor is the federal government," says Dr. Joe L. Valles, chairman of the Westside Coalition of Neighborhood Associations. "Although work on this interchange must be a collaborative effort between local neighborhood associations, businesses, and all branches of government, to my knowledge, Congresswoman Heather Wilson is the first one to actually identify federal dollars and work to secure them for the project. We appreciate her work in bringing these federal dollars home," says Valles. "This federal funding is another example of how the federal government can participate in projects to create jobs and strengthen our economic recovery," said Wilson. "This is a lot of money that will come directly to major roads in Albuquerque, like the Coors and I-40 project, which has quickly become one of the west side`s top priorities." Wilson requested the funding in the FY04 Transportation Appropriations Bill. The bill was marked-up in the Transportation Committee before the August Recess and must be passed by the U.S. House. Inclusion of the projects at the Committee level is a critical step in getting funding for projects like these. "Local, state, and federal officials have all identified the Coors and I-40 intersection as a high priority," said Valles about the importance of the intersection. "Coors Boulevard is the only continuous north/south corridor on the Westside. Our biggest infrastructure challenge is trying to keep up with the tremendous amount of new development in the area. The result must allow for safe and convenient passage to homes and businesses along this corridor and provide opportunity to facilitate orderly economic growth and development in the Westside area." Built in the mid-1980`s, the Coors/I-40 interchange is rapidly approaching the design life for the bridges. Westside commuters feel the crunch daily as they travel through the intersection during morning and evening rush hours. The City of Albuquerque has declared reconstruction of the interchange as the city`s number one transportation priority. Much of the design work for the reconstruction, projected to cost between $70 to $80 million, has been completed "I`m pleased that we were able to help Congresswoman Wilson secure these funds for New Mexico," said Transportation Committee Chairman Ernest Istook (R-OK). "Our transportation system is our country`s lifeline. These projects are a vital part of a system that keeps our economy running and our country strong. This overall transportation bill should create an extra quarter-million jobs across the country." NM Transportation Projects on the fast-track for funding because of Wilson`s work include: * $1 Million for the I-40/Coors Interchange to reconstruct the roadway. The current interchange is deficient and unable to handle current traffic volumes. * $2 Million for the I-40/Paseo del Volcan Interchange to rehabilitate the interchange and replace 5.5 miles of roadway that accesses the Double Eagle II Airport. * $2 Million for the I-25/Tramway Interchange: This improvement will widen the existing Interstate from 4 lanes to 6 lanes and provide for the much needed capacity and geometric enhancements. This would complete one of the major links into the Albuquerque Metropolitan area. * $6 Million for Albuquerque`s Transit: Department to replace transit vehicles that have exceeded service life standards. * $2 Million for Albuquerque`s West Side Transit Facility

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