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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Battle against terrorism gets boost October 16, 2001
Wilson helps empower law enforcement and intelligence community in war on terrorism
WASHINGTON, DC — Congresswoman Heather Wilson today cast her support behind law enforcement and intelligence gathering professionals who are on the front lines of our nation’s war on terrorism. The PATRIOT Act passed by the House of Representatives today gives law enforcement personnel the tools they need to combat terrorism. “The enemy who attacked New York and the Pentagon on September 11th lived malevolently among us,” says Wilson, a member of the House Armed Services Committee and former member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. “We must give ourselves the capacity to find them so that we may defeat them. Terrorists are smart and well trained and we need to give our law enforcement and intelligence communities the power they need to find and eliminate networks of terror hiding in our own land.” The “Provide Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism” (PATRIOT) Act modernizes wiretapping laws to keep up with changing technologies such as cell phones, voicemail and e-mail. It allows the sharing of information between law enforcement agencies and intelligence services. The PATRIOT Act also gives courts the authority to review terrorism cases without compromising classified information. It eliminates the statute of limitations on terror.

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