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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

House Resources Committee to Vote on Baca Ranch Bill on May 24th May 11, 2000
WASHINGTON, DC – Following a non-controversial hearing in the House Resources Committee, Congresswoman Heather Wilson secured a commitment from the Chairman of the House Resources Committee that the full committee will vote on the Senate-passed version of the bill on May 24. The decision to move the Senate passed version of the bill through the House will eliminate the need for a conference committee and will expedite enactment of the legislation.

“I am grateful that the committee has agreed to move the Senate-passed version of the bill,” said Wilson. “This will streamline the remaining steps needed to enact this bill and conclude the purchase of this amazing piece of property for the people of New Mexico.”

During the committee hearing, Congresswoman Wilson commented on the importance of the bipartisan legislation, “The Baca authorizing bill takes a unique approach to public lands arrangement. It sets up a special trust with its own board to oversee the ranch. It also directs the federal government to develop a plan to sell surplus lands so that funds can be used to purchase in-holdings--including privately held lands within the Petroglyph National Monument. The President and his administration have agreed to this innovative public lands management plan.”

Regarding some people’s concerns about portions of the management plan Wilson stated, “Some people have expressed concern about this management arrangement, saying that it does not allow public input into the management process. Actually, there is nothing in the legislation prohibiting public input. The Trust and its decisions and actions are still subject to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) provisions. At each step in the decision process, meetings will be held for public input.”

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