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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Opposes Bill that Falls Short in Funding Schools & Rural Healthcare November 17, 2005
Congresswoman Steps across Party Lines in Bid to Strengthen Labor-HHS Bill
Washington — Congresswoman Heather Wilson, who urged more education and rural healthcare funding, today voted against the Labor-HHS Appropriations Bill (H.R. 3010) which failed 209-224. Throughout the legislative process, Wilson urged the Appropriations Committee to bolster support for rural healthcare and education. “I voted against the Labor HHS appropriations bill in the House because I felt throughout the process that more was needed for education and rural healthcare,” Wilson said. “We’ve made important strides in federal support for our schools, but we need to continue to invest in our children’s futures. In healthcare, America leads the way in medical innovations, technology and research but we need to continue emphasizing a partnership role with healthcare professionals.” “We want a great public school in every neighborhood. Providing the best possible education is the foundation of a long term strategy to keep jobs here and help our next generation compete in a global economy,” Wilson said. The bill would have cut over $100 million from rural health care programs, including eliminating the Office of Rural Health Policy within the Department of Health and Human Services and reducing or completely eliminating several programs important in New Mexico such as the Healthy Communities Access Program, the Health Careers Opportunity Program, and the Centers of Excellence Program. In 2003, for similar reasons, Wilson also voted against the Labor-HHS bill in the 108th Congress after urging the Appropriations Chairmen, Sen. Ted Stevens and Rep. Bill Young, to beef up education funding with another $1.2 billion for No Child Left Behind provisions.
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