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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

When Wildfire Threatens June 21, 2002

New Mexico has seen the devastating effects of wildfire this summer, and we all know the importance of being prepared for such an emergency. If you are living on the edge of a woodland area, it is essential that you be aware of the risks and how to reduce them. The Bernalillo County Fire and Rescue Department has some tips to help keep you and your family safe this summer:

Before Wildfire Threatens

--Post emergency phone numbers by each telephone in the house.
--Install smoke detectors in all living spaces.
--Store and use flammable liquids properly.
--Don`t keep combustible materials under decks or elevated porches.
--Keep doors and windows clear as a means of escape in each room.
--Your name and address should be prominently posted at the driveway entrance so it is visible from BOTH directions of travel.

Landscaping Maintenance

--Clear at least a 30 foot zone area around your house as a defensible zone.
--Space newly planted trees carefully.
--Create "Fuelbreaks"--using driveways, gravel walkways, or lawns.
--Thin and prune trees and shrubs regularly.
--Remove leaf clutter from your roof and yard.
--Mow regularly.
--Remove dead or overhanging branches.
--Store firewood away from your house.

Have a Fire Escape Plan

--Have a family meeting to make a plan.
--Practice your plan.
--Plan two exits from every room.
--Keep calm.
--Close the door.
--Don`t go back.
--Keep necessities in a suitcase/luggage ready to go located near your exit.
--Decide on a meeting place so you will know if everyone has gotten out safely.

When Wildfire Threatens

--Send the alarm. Dial 911 to report a fire. Listen to your battery operated radio for reports and evacuation information.
--Walk quickly. Do not panic. Feel the door on your way out with your hand. If the door is hot, DO NOT open. Close the door behind you to slow the spread of fire.
--Stay low and go. If there`s smoke, escape by staying very low to the ground where the air is cooler.
--Do not go back. Do not go back into a fire for anything! Your life is the MOST valuable possession.

Remember saving lives is always the first priority!

For more information on what to do in the face of wildfire, visit the Bernalillo County Fire and Rescue Website.

For summer fire safety tips, visit http://www.bernco.gov/departments/fire&rescue;/summer_safety.html.

To learn more about the burning restrictions in Bernalillo County, check out http://www.bernco.gov/departments/fire&rescue;/burn_ban.html.

Check out http://www.bernco.gov/press_releases/pr_06122002.htm for more info on the fireworks ban in Bernalillo County.

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