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Dear Friends, The room was full at Palo Duro senior Center on Friday afternoon. The AARP asked me to come talk to their seniors about adding a prescription drug benefit to Medicare. But it’s not just the AARP that’s concerned. I go to senior centers and hold town hall meetings a lot. We had five last week alone. The cost of medicine often comes up. Sometimes it’s seniors who raise the issue. At other times, it’s baby boomers worried about their angry parents. Nobody should have to choose b...
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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

E-Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 24
Serving Neighbors

Pulling the rug from rural New Mexico

“After the Department of Education made its selection and publicly announced it, the rules changed. That’s not right, and we both know that’s not right,” Wilson told Secretary Paige in a two-page letter delivered today. “I urge you to review and reverse this error.”

Fun Facts
What explosive event shook the world fifty six years ago this week?
What explosive event shook the world fifty six years ago this week?
In the Pre-Dawn hours of July 16th, 1945, the brave men and women of the Manhattan Project saw their months of hard, clandestine work flourish in a glowing brilliance. At 0529 hours and forty-nine seconds the first atomic bomb was detonated at the Trinity site, in the Alamogordo bombing range. The blast was so powerful that it vaporized the 100-foot steel tower the bomb was perched upon. The bomb`s intensity was such that it transformed sand at ground zero to green glass. The enormous blast also created a crater measuring 24,000 feet across and up to ten feet deep in some places. If you`re interested in learning more about the Trinity site of the Manhattan project please visit the Trinty site web site.

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