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spacer Dear Friends, January 30, 2001
Dear Friends,

It has been a wonderful week of listening and working in New Mexico. This really is the fun part of the job.

I had lunch at the Red Ball Cafe with Barelas community leaders to talk about revitalization and jobs and housing and safety. (I didn`t have the Whimpy Burger, but the green chile was great.)

I loved serving lunch at the East Gate and North Valley Senior Centers and chatting with folks. It`s like any family party: the really good conversatio...
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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

E-Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 4
Serving Neighbors

The High Tech Milk Carton...

It will mobilize the eyes and ears of every person listening to a radio or watching a television.

--Rep. Heather Wilson
Through the "Amber Alert”, the descriptions of a kidnapped child, the abductor (if it is available), any vehicle involved, and other key information could be disseminated to hundreds of thousands of people within minutes of the abduction, greatly increasing the chances the child will be found alive.

Fun Facts
What is a Marmota monax?
What is a Marmota monax?
"Marmota monax" is the scientific name for a groundhog!
Will he see his shadow?
Had enough snow yet? New Mexico has gotten it`s fair share this year... making the skiing great but the driving a slippery task. This Friday, Punxsutawney Phil will let us know if we should expect more of the white stuff.

Groundhog Day, February 2nd, is a popular tradition in the United States. It is the day that the Groundhog comes out of his hole after a long winter sleep to look for his shadow.

If he sees it, he regards it as an omen of six more weeks of bad weather and returns to his hole.

If the day is cloudy and, hence, shadowless, he takes it as a sign of spring and stays above ground.

Send an e-mail greeting card to your friends to celebrate Groundhog Day!

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