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spacer Dear Friends, April 04, 2000
Dear Friends,

We`ve all watched the news stories from Miami over the last few months about Elian Gonzales. And this week it all seems to be coming to a climax. I want to let you know how I feel.

I understand the passion this issue stirs because it brings into conflict two of our most heart-felt values...family and freedom.

His mother risked her life, and then lost it, to give her son the gift of growing up in freedom in America. Elian was left to face the dark alon...
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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

E-Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 9
Serving Neighbors

The Congressional Certificate of Merit

What gives wings to our dreams is a quality education, and we must work together to make that a reality for every child, in every neighborhood, in every school across America. Talking about education, and how to make it better, is crucial. But we mustn’t forget today’s success stories: the student’s who will be tomorrow’s leaders.

Recognizing youth who succeed in school and are active in our community is so important, and each year it is my privilege to offer the Congressional Certificate of Merit to outstanding high school seniors from New Mexico’s First District. I need your help to find such students. The deadline for nominations is Monday, April 17, 2000, so time is short. Nominations can only be made by a school, and is usually done by principals and school counselors. But you can encourage students you know to ask their schools to consider nominating them.

Fun Facts
Only 14 days until tax day--What’s the most you can deduct for student loan interest?
Answer: $1,500

For 1999 federal tax returns, you can deduct up to $1,500 for interest paid on a qualified student loan.

This can be done on schedule A of your federal return even if you don’t itemize your deductions.

For the 2000 tax year, the amount rises to $2,000

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