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spacer Dear Friends, August 09, 2004
It`s August and school is just around the corner. In our house, that means the annual scavenger hunt for glue sticks, washable markers, number 2 pencils, blunt Fiskars scissors and so forth. (Why do they have to be Fiskars, anyway?) This year, we didn`t wait for the last weekend to load up the trunk, but it was still busy at Wal-Mart and Staples. This time of year always brings mixed emotions. There`s something full of promise about a new pencil box and 200 sheets of blank wide rule loos...
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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

E-Newsletter, Volume 5, Issue 20
Serving Neighbors

Disabilities Employment Awareness Month

People with disabilities represent a largely untapped source of qualified jobs candidates. Experts in the field of workplace disability believe that employers often do not tap into this workforce because they are unaware of the range of their skills or do not know how to identify the individuals as potential employees. To help elevate awareness, August has been declared Disabilities Employment Awareness Month in honor of Leslie G. Sawey.

Fun Facts
What is the world`s longest dinosaur? Where was one of the largest found?

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