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spacer Dear Friends, April 20, 2004
Dear Friends,

The “real” Pat Garrett is a sweetheart of a guy. He has worked at Damacio’s Grocery on San Pedro for 29 years. Pat’s boss, Damacio Otero, says, “If Pat isn’t going to heaven, I don’t want to go.”

I worked last Thursday as a checker at Damacio’s Grocery. On Thursday afternoons, Pat delivers groceries to people in the neighborhood who can’t get out. I went along to help and you could tell that some of his customers really looked forward to his weekly visit...
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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

E-Newsletter, Volume 5, Issue 10
Serving Neighbors

Journal Editorial: Gaps on Math, Reading Tests Must Be Closed

Results of the first round of standards-based math and language arts testing in public schools make the scope New Mexico`s challenge clear... The No Child Left Behind-mandated tests are not norm-referenced -- they don`t compare New Mexico students against national norms. Instead, these new tests measure New Mexico students` knowledge. That`s already one big improvement. The new emphasis on public accountability is an even bigger improvement. But now the release of scores -- acknowledgement of the problems -- spurs school administrators to face the issue. That`s the point of the new law: to have the states set standards and then measure the progress. New Mexico has its baseline. The next test is figuring out what it takes to generate a steadily rising curve of student performance...

Fun Facts
Cinco de Mayo is less than two weeks away. What is this date`s significance?
The history of Cinco de Mayo

Mexican troops under General Ignacio Zaragoza successfully defended the town of Puebla on May 5, 1862, temporarily halting France`s efforts to establish a puppet regime in Mexico. With the U.S. absorbed by the Civil War, Emperor Napoleon III hoped to create a French sphere of influence in Latin America. The victory is commemorated as a national holiday in Mexico.

The Mexican victory at Puebla was short-lived. French reinforcements seized the town in March 1863. The following June, Maximilian, younger brother of Emperor Franz Josef of Austria and a member of the Hapsburg dynasty, was crowned Emperor of Mexico. He remained in power until 1867, when Napoleon III abandoned his Mexican adventure and withdrew his troops.

In the United States, Cinco de Mayo has become an occasion to celebrate Hispanic culture in general. Fairs commemorating the day feature singing, dancing, food, and other amusements and provide a means of sharing a rich and diverse culture.

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