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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Supports House Passage of Economic Security Bill December 19, 2001
Urges Senate to Pass Bill Before Adjournment
Washington, DC-Congresswoman Heather Wilson expressed her support for the economic security package agreed to today by President Bush and Congressional leaders. The agreement provides help for individuals and families by accelerating the tax rate reduction from 27% to 25% starting January 1, 2002. It also gives full tax rebates for those who did not qualify for a full rebate check last summer. Workers who have been laid off and their families will benefit from increased unemployment assistance grants to states. Unemployment insurance will be extended an additional 13 weeks, and health care coverage will be expanded for jobless Americans through health care certificates that can be used for health insurance from a prior employer or any other health plan. The bill will offset health care costs for all workers who are eligible for unemployment insurance. “Today’s agreement on a stimulus package contains provisions that will truly make a difference for our economy,” Wilson said. “The House has already passed a plan, and will pass another one tonight. It’s time to give American families the relief that they need and to create new jobs.” Wilson has long championed the need for Congress to send an economic stimulus package for President Bush to sign. The House passed an economic stimulus bill in October that would provide direct relief for New Mexicans. This second stimulus bill strengthens the health care and unemployment insurance provisions, eliminates retroactive tax relief for large businesses, and offers incentives for businesses to create jobs. Wilson has publicly urged the Senate pass the bill before Congress adjourns for the year. “Every day the Senate waits is another tough day for an unemployed worker. It`s another day that a business owner can’t hold off and has to lay off hard-working employees,” Wilson said. “The longer the Senate waits, the more difficult it will be for the economy to recover quickly. New Mexicans need and deserve to have an economic action plan in place.”

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