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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Democrats Vote for Status Quo on Terrorist Surveillance May 02, 2007
Majority Defeats Wilson Amendment to Modernize FISA Law

Washington, DC – The Democrat majority in the House Intelligence Committee today voted to keep the status quo on eavesdropping even though they know that the law isn’t working and needs to be modernized.

Congresswoman Heather Wilson offered an amendment to the Intelligence Authorization Act based on legislation that passed the House in 2006 on a bipartisan basis. The amendment failed on a party line vote of 11 to 9. Two Democrats who supported the legislation in September 2006, Mr. Cramer and Mr. Boswell, opposed the provision today.

“The majority today voted to maintain the status quo. The statute is being stretched like a single sheet to cover a king-sized bed,” Wilson said.

The Director of National Intelligence testified yesterday that the National Security Agency is missing intelligence that may compromise our security.

“There are serious problems with the current situation and members of the Intelligence Committee know it,” Wilson said. “The Democrats and their leaders are tolerating these problems. The responsibility to act rests with the Congress.”

“Excesses are best prevented when intelligence activities are operated within a framework that controls government power by using checks and balances among the three branches of government.”

Wilson’s amendment, which passed the House last year as legislation in the 109th Congress, would modernize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It would thoroughly update our electronic surveillance laws for the twenty-first century.

It would set a standard to allow electronic surveillance of people in the United States when there is a reasonable belief that they are communicating with foreign terrorist organizations, and clarify the roles of the three branches of government in overseeing electronic surveillance.

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