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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Pushes for Cyber-Security March 07, 2000
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill scheduled to be voted on by Appropriations Committee next week

WASHINGTON, DC –In a letter to the Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, Congresswoman Heather Wilson strongly urged the committee to approve $100 million in emergency funds for cyber-security for the national laboratories, including Sandia National Laboratories. “Sandia National Laboratories, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory desperately need additional funds to implement new and effective cyber-security measures,” said Wilson, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

“Without emergency supplemental funds, I believe that laboratory computers will not be adequately protected against espionage. As this is a matter of national security, I urge you to include $100 million in the FY00 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill,” stated Wilson.

The critical importance of cyber-security became apparent with the release of both the Cox Commission Report in 1998 and the Rudman Report of the President`s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board in 1999. Both reports detail an urgent need for increased computer security at the national labs. Congress attempted to address many of the concerns about security and cyber-security at the nation’s laboratories by creating the National Nuclear Security Administration in last years Department of Defense Authorization Act (P.L. 106-65) and establishing new counter-intelligence programs at DOE.

The President’s supplemental budget request included $81 million for the nuclear weapons complex, only $8 million of which was for counter-intelligence and cyber-security. “The administration’s request does not come close to meeting the need to protect our nation’s most vital secrets. This is not something that can wait,” Wilson said.

“While I believe that the creation of the NNSA and the nomination of General Gordon to head the agency are two important steps to improving security at our national labs, there must be adequate resources available to do the job. A significant increase in funding for cyber-security is needed for Sandia National Laboratories and the other national labs to protect our nation`s classified information from spies,” said Wilson.

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